
Life Update: Whirlwind Emotions while in Law School

 It's been almost two years since my last blog about being the everyday mom of Ellie.  A lot has happened. A lot has changed in my 365-day journey around the sun when it comes to motherhood, career woman, law student, and wife-partner.  I feel such a FAILURE. At the time of writing this blog, I am still in the interim between 3rd year and 4th year law, taking up courses that I failed along the way - specifically Insurance Law and Taxation Law 2.  I also failed in Public International Law and the Conflicts of Law courses. All in all, as of counting, I failed in four subjects. And believe me when I say, there has never been a time in my life that all negative thoughts dawned upon me questioning every decision I made that led me to fail my subjects in law school. So, at the start of the off sem or summer, I wallowed on my wounds from the battles I lost during the previous semesters and second guessed myself, my abilities, my intellect, my dream, my destiny to become a lawyer all becau

Law School is a Walk in the Park - the Jurassic Park and the Ground is Lava!

I've read so many stories, blogs of full-time workers studying in law school. Expectedly, they all lamented the hassles and hustles of balancing work and school.  But one common factor appears to them all:  they are all single, either fresh out of college, and have no kids.  Of course, law school is tough. It has always been and will continue to be that way. It's a fact.  Nevertheless, I wondered if there are people like me, who balance motherhood, manage the household, manage people at work, and strive to survive the nitty-gritty of law school requirements. Motherhood, Law School and Career  A long time ago, I thought of getting into law school after graduating from college. I should have done it before my kid arrived so I could focus more on studying my subjects. Fast forward more than a decade later, I am in a managerial role, a mom, a homemaker, and a law student.  My life is torturous and it will persist for the next 3.5 years or until I finish law school since at the time

Surviving Law School Being a Full Time Working-Student-Mom-Entrepreneur-Manager

          After a very long hiatus in online journaling, I'm finally back to writing my thoughts. This time about my life as a mother-entrepreneur-manager and law school student.       As the second semester of my freshman law school draws near, I am getting more and more restless as to whether I should pursue law school or just drop out of the course. I must admit I loved learning about the law, I devour knowledge like a thirsty camel, but the stimulus coming from all sides made me wonder what to prioritize.      No handbook will guide me to pass law school while being a full-time manager at work, a mother, a wife-partner, a homemaker, an entrepreneur, and alas! Being a law student ALL AT ONCE!      At the rate that I am running my life right now, I could burn out in the first lapse if ever I could qualify to proceed in the second semester.      I have listened to and watched YouTube videos on working students, but none mentioned being a full-time working law student mom ent

My Corporate Life Working At Home

I have a business in Weddings and Events . I was looking forward to a great year this year because it is the start of the new decade. But I guess, God has other plans, not just for me but for all of us worldwide! Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in February, the world shut down. One particular industry heavily affected is the Events Industry .  Now, more than ever, the government prohibits gatherings of more than 25 guests. There are sanctions when people break this rule. There is a corresponding jail time when we even try to break curfew hours. Since the COVID-19 lockdowns, I reverted back to my former job - online writing. It is the only way I know how to earn during this pandemic. I submitted resumes to all hiring ads containing a 'Content Writer' position. There was a long pause and silence for many weeks, some few interviews and finally, after two months of submitting my applications, I landed on a Content Writer position, full time, in a software company that offers

(Corporate) Love in the midst of the Pandemic

SIX ELEVEN GLOBAL SERVICES. This is where the plot twist of my life happened. In 2008, I got hired as a call center agent for 611. It was my first exposure to the corporate world after graduation. I didn’t last long in the job because of health reasons. But it is also the gateway to the greatest love story I have ever told. Here, I met the love of my life who would later turn out to be my partner for life. The young and insatiable version of me hopped from job to job until late of 2010, I got hired in another BPO company – The TryBPO, Inc. (now Empireflippers). I stayed there for about more than 3 years until the call of Motherhood required all of my attention and time. Why am I writing this? First , in this time of Pandemic, it is a huge blessing to have a job that continues to give you an income and put food on the table. The BPO industry continues to operate and their employees are well compensated and taken care of. Second , not all heroes wear PPE

The Return of Ellie's Mom

OMG... this blog has been abandoned for months! Truly, motherhood has a way of keeping me preoccupied all day that I couldn't have the time to write about it anymore ----- for months! Well, I'm back and I'm going to give you a rundown of the happenings in my motherhood journey in the last six months leading to September. Summer of 2018  After our escapade to the Vanishing Island last March, summer months passed by so quickly. I had two events in the month of April and another two events in the month of May so my schedule was jampacked with hands-on motherhood, home-based Virtual Assistant tasks and running my Wedding and Events business. I had no full time yaya so I had to juggle up everything! But with the help of God Almighty, He sent me my partner, my family, my friends to help me carry out everything that needed to be accomplished! Would you believe that I plan weddings in Gensan for my events  that are mostly in Davao?! It is because I have eyes, ears, hands a

A Day in the Vanishing Island in Samal Davao

April is the perfect month in the Philippines to bask in the sun, soak in the sea and unwind with friends and family. My cousins planned a weekend getaway in Samal. We are very lucky to have an aunt who lives in Samal Island. Their house is right across a beautiful sand bar popularly known as the Vanishing Island. We rode in their pump boats to get across the sea and reach the Vanishing Island of Samal Davao. My little Ellie was excited as she could be. But the way to the barge was hellish. We were supposed to meet with the gang at 7am but due to some delays, we arrived at the line towards the barge about 9am and the line was soooooo long. We fell in line for 3 hours just so we could ride the barge towards Samal! It was an extremely hot day and the car aircon has not worked so well. On our way to the Davao-Samal Wharf on a very hot day... our boat ride towards the vanishing island samal davao At about past noon, we finally arrived the destination, already soaked in sweat.